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Walk In Patients - Virtual

There will be limited availability for virtual walk in/same day as capacity allows to non-clinic patients. 


Please note that we will not prescribe controlled substances (narcotics, benzodiazepines, sedatives, or stimulants) and may direct you to go to an urgent care/UPCC/ER if more appropriate. We are also unable to fill out forms that require an ongoing patient-physician relationship such as disability forms or those that require physical exam including vision. Please note that many forms are not payed for by MSP and are considered uninsured services, charges will apply and must be paid before service is delivered. You can read more here. We request that only patients living in Vancouver book with us as per BC College of Physicians guidelines we may need to see you in person for a physical exam if indicated.


You must have an active MSP number and we require consent to the access of pharmanet and the provincial EMR. 


By booking the appointment you agree to the above conditions.


View Availability by

creating an online account



* This does not constitute an ongoing patient-physician relationship but if our waitlist is still open you are welcome to join the list to become a clinic patient (check in here). 

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